Please scroll down to the bottom for English version of this crowdfunding letter.#
關於《Today is Friday》這個故事#
《Today is Friday》是第一本由離異家庭親歷者、文字工作者和共親職團隊共創完成的繪本,述說風暴下的心聲。我們首次以集資方式,邀請你的支持,讓我們帶着繪本走進校園社區,和孩子談談家庭重組的故事。也為家庭支援者,撐開一把可以和孩子談的傘。#
願此書能在夜裡,陪伴走過風暴的你我長出力量,與孩子們相伴入睡。 ![]()
「爸爸媽媽一直吵著要離婚,而我就變成了一件貨,爭來爭去。」 七歲的孩子 在畫自己的紙上,畫了一條拉上拉鍊的嘴巴
2018年初秋,我們出版《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》,是華語地區首部以「兒童為本 共享親職」真實經歷為題的作品。費時3年的創作歷程,我們邀請了長大了的孩子一起談談記憶中家的劇變,小小的心靈面對親人的缺席,都有說不盡的疑惑和思念。經歷過家庭風暴的大孩子和我們回顧,分離與傷痛經驗並非專屬於離異家庭。 《Today is Friday》從親歷者的角度出發,也是每個人經歷生命轉折時所要面對的課題。
這是一位穿梭兩個家庭的三歲女孩的提問,而媽媽的內心正下著細雨。 媽媽跟爸爸分開了,小女孩生活在兩個家之中,星期一至四跟爸爸生活,星期五至日來媽媽家。 小小的手還數不清週一至日,「一、二、三、四,數到五,我們便會見面!」尾指相勾,蓋章約定。而今天就是星期五!
![]() ![]() *以上跨頁設計為英文版本,募資達標後我們將製作中文版本。
在英國劍橋藝術學院(ARU, Cambridge School of Art) 童書插畫研究所導師的指導下,反覆編織文字和畫面,從黑白線稿到全手繪插畫與定稿。
兒童為本 共享親職(child-focused co-parenting) 指父母雙方合作參與照顧子女,讓子女同時與父及母建立親子關係。秉承以孩子為本的精神,共同分擔父母的角色和責任,讓孩子繼續享有父母雙方的愛和教養。#
「締約國應盡其最大努力,確保父母雙方對兒童的養育和發展負有共同責任的原則得到確認。」- 聯合國《兒童權利公約》第18條
聯合國兒童權利委員會,早於1989提出父母需與孩子建立穩定關係是兒童基本權利。教育大眾新觀念難一蹴而就,不論在香港或台灣,鮮有真實生命經歷的教學素材。 #
首階段編製繪本後,並非計劃的完結,我們特別推出了【社區教育專場】,派出講師到你所指定的機構/學校,合作舉辦專題教育工作坊(海外地區將以線上方式分享)。詳情請參考【常見問答】。 #
集資期間除了有《Today is Friday》繪本、《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》、還有「每贊助一本,再送一本」的推廣方案。每當你翻開手中的《Today is Friday》繪本,我們會為你再送另一本給有需要的社福機構、婦女團體或學校,你的實際支持正溫柔陪伴著另一位歷經風暴的朋友!#
「只要有一位讀者,讀完故事而有所啟發, 那將會改變孩子的一生。」
台幣125 000元 (港幣約35,000元)#
1 募資與社會關注(2021年7-8月)
2 繪本製作、印製(2021年9月)
3 社區教育專場(2021年10月至2022年6月)
4 寄發贈書給「贈書合作機構」、寄送回饋品給贊助者(2021年10-11月)
參與是次計畫的「贈書合作機構」(持續更新,以筆劃排序): 【台灣】
香港家庭福利會 家福中心
讓改變從我們開始 #
台灣親子天下 2018年9月29日 當孩子問:媽媽,你為何會跟Daddy分開? 《好報 HKGoodPost》2020年5月22日 兒童為本 共享親職:歷時一輩子的計劃 Mini MaD:行動交流站 2020年3月24日 閱歷:社創路上學會的事 (雙棲創作團隊) South China Morning Post 2020年3月8日 The Week in Asia Interview - Unsung heroes: 5 Asian women transcending gender roles
募資達標 限定回饋#
以枝椏築巢,以磚瓦建成家,但當家的意義遺失於生活之中,故事如何翻到下一章?一個孩子擁有兩個家,他所獲得的愛是倍增還是減半? 三個真實故事,三位說書人不同階段的婚姻歷程。 正經歷離異風暴的家庭所面對的難題千絲萬縷,不存在一本天書完全依從,但最徬徨的時候,同路人的經歷會令她/他們感到溫暖。 #
計劃教學顧問 潘宇軒博士|香港教育大學 教育政策與領導學系講師
計劃發起人 熊子傑|香港註冊社工,受邀多間大專學院及機構作共享親職教育專題主講。從事兒童及青少年教育工作超過十年,現以性別平等教育及職涯規劃教育工作為主。
作者 鄭華珠|畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,香港大學比較文學碩士。曾獲香港文學館《虛構的幸福》小說創作首獎。著有手造書《相值》、《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》,短篇小說〈消失的地景〉收錄自《感知西半山》。
繪者 阮絡伶|香港嶺南大學文化研究系一級榮譽學士,現正修讀英國劍橋藝術學院(ARU, Cambridge School of Art)童書插畫碩士。經歷家庭重組後,因而創作《Today is Friday》, 讓大人們有機會對孩子說說那些不容易開口的事。
台灣統籌 詹士嘉|與繪者阮絡伶共同就讀英國劍橋藝術學院(Cambridge School of Art)童書插畫研究所,長期關注社會議題,曾服務於願景青年行動網協會。相信圖像與故事能讓世界更柔軟。
編輯 廖錦綉|從事少數族裔與難民服務逾十年,多次到海外義教英語,與當地青年開展跨文化對話;現正製作難民青年故事錄像,以藝術媒介和己身作橋,跨界連結。
聯絡資訊 - 雙棲創作團隊
For English Readers#
Engage and inspire – helping children rise above challenges in life#
Today is Friday Picture Book Crowdfunding project for community education#
You can make a difference
With the aim of embracing and supporting children growing through parental separation, a major crowdfunding project is under way to help fund more community-based workshops and school visits. This will offer some much-needed guidance and support for families going through a difficult time. Each and every sale of the book Today is Friday will make a difference to your local community and change the lives of many children.
A storybook that opens up a conversation
When going through a relationship breakdown, parents often find themselves struggling with their own emotional pain as well as the despair of their children. They wish to lessen the pain by quickly moving on and rebuilding new lives but the reality could be quite the opposite. Bottling up feelings and emotions could never heal a wound. So, how do you talk to children about such a sensitive subject?
Today is Friday serves as a conversation starter for parents, social workers, education professionals and anyone who cares about the mental health and well-being of our children. Overwhelmed by the sudden change in family circumstances, many children with separated parents struggle to cope with the feelings of loss and insecurity. Saying goodbye might become weekly occurrence for families living apart, but the agony of separation will always be devastating and unbearable. “Mummy, why do I only see you two days a week?” asked the little girl in the book. Artful illustrations and simple yet engaging dialogue between the little girl and her mother tell a heartfelt and bittersweet story about love and resilience that resonates with thousands of families on a similar journey. The book is one of its kind with personal experience threaded throughout, offering plenty of rooms for children and grown-ups to reflect on their own issues.
The driving force behind Today is Friday
Today is Friday is a collaborative work by volunteers from different backgrounds sharing the same passion for child-focused co-parenting. This pioneering approach to modern day parenting advocates the cooperation between separated parents in bringing up their children with all the love and attention that they can give. In the past four years, Two Nests Creation has held numerous theatre workshops in local communities where families impacted by parental separation could share their experience and support each other. Participants have enjoyed the company of other like-minded parents and have gradually formed a tightly bonded group. Positive feedback and raving comments about the workshops keep pouring in and fuelling the ever growing demand for school visits and community events.
This book is dedicated to all the fans and supporters of Two Nests Creation. As they shared their tears and laughter along the roller coaster journey of co-parenting, they also inspired the Two Nests team and contributed a great deal to the creation of this beautifully illustrated storybook. They truly embody the spirit of ‘living apart, being together’.
A book with a mission
To celebrate the well-established community work achieved by Two Nests, we would like to appeal to sponsorship for publishing the storybook. Your sponsorship and support will strengthen our force so that we can reach out for more families and offer a helping hand to those desperately in need of help and reassurance. This unique project helps raise social awareness towards family breakdown and give back to the society. We hope you would come on board and join us on this truly meaningful cause.
Crowdfunding Project
We aim to raise NT$125,000 (approx. HK$35,000) during the crowdfunding project which covers Taiwan and Hong Kong. Once we reach this target amount, we can then kick-start the printing of Today is Friday whilst distribution is scheduled for October 2021. The storybook will be written in Chinese language and printed with full colour illustrations and a hardcover. A variety of seminars and educational workshops will also take place in local communities and online to capture a wider audience across the regions.
Project schedule
1 Fundraising campaign and promotion(July – August 2021) *2 Today is Friday production and publication(September 2021) *3 Seminars and workshops(October 2021 – June 2022) *4 Delivery of sponsored books to partner organisations & Delivery of complimentary books to sponsors(October – November 2021)
Events 2,3, 4 will only go ahead if we reach our fundraising target of NT$125,000 (approx. HK$35,000).
Your support and generosity will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Contact Information - Two Nests CreationFacebook|Instagram|Email:
Risk and Challenges
If the fundraising target of NT$125,000 (approx. HK$35,000) is not reached by the deadline date 31 Aug 2021, we will regrettably have to cancel the programme. The printing of the storybook and any other planned events will not go ahead and full refund will be issued to the original sponsors.
If the fundraising target is reached, we will then start producing the storybook and delivering the complimentary gifts to our sponsors and partner organisations. We have set a budget for all relevant costs and expenses for the programme. Any shortfall, differences and amendments to the budget will be announced on the fundraiser website. If there is any surplus at the end of this crowdfunding project or sponsorship exceeds the target amount, these will remain in the project for future expansion of educational programmes run by Two Nests Creation.
We aim to complete the production and publication of the storybook within the agreed timeframe outlined in the project details. Any issues or unexpected delays will be communicated to individual sponsors as well as being announced on the fundraiser website. If there are any enquiries regarding cancellations, please email ZecZec customer services on before the crowdfunding deadline 31 Aug 2021.
Exchange Policy
In the unlikely event of missing pages, faults or damage to the delivered goods (excluding damage made by the recipients), please contact us on within 7 calendar days of receipt of delivery (including public holidays). Replacements will be arranged free of charge. Please provide details of your sponsorship (order number, invoice number, name and contact telephone number).
募資計畫有諸多變數,團隊將以準時完成製作及出版為宗旨,如因特殊因素延遲,將於募資頁面公開說明,並一一發信與贊助者聯繫。若需取消贊助,請於募資結束前聯繫嘖嘖客服信箱( )。
如出版物有缺頁、瑕疵、運送瑕疵和非人為損壞者,請於收到回饋品次日起算 7 天(含例假日)內與客服信箱 twonestshk@gmail.com聯繫,附上相關證明(訂購編號、訂購人姓名、電話、電子發票),可免費更換新品。
對計畫還有其他疑問嗎?請見 常見問答。