Tasting delicious fruit at the market! A sky high gondola ride to the tea mountains in Maokong! A dinner of soup dumplings and hotpot! These are just some of the classic Taipei scenes captured in this colorful book about a little girl's very first trip to Taipei . 品嚐市場的香甜水果!搭空中纜車前往貓空茶園!晚餐大啖湯餃和火鍋!更多台北的知名景致,都在這本關於小女孩第一次走訪台北的彩色繪本裡。 ▲ Book size: 20cm wide x 17.8cm high // 尺寸:20公分寬 x 17.8公分高
Hi, I’m Kathy, the writer of Hey Taipei
When I was working in New York, I would buy picture books to bring back as souvenirs for my friends and their kids. The sights and bright lights of New York would jump right off the page. After I moved back to Taiwan, I shopped around for a cute picture book about Taipei in English but didn't find one. And the Chinese-language versions didn’t have the same spirit of fun and adventure. So I thought, hey, I’m a writer. Why not write one myself? Taipei deserves it. I wrote the story about two years ago but didn’t know what to do with it. Then I had my baby daughter in October 2017 and suddenly the project became about her. I want Claudia to see herself in the book, having the same adventures and feeling proud she’s from Taipei.
嗨,我是 Kathy,Hey Taipei 的作者 在紐約工作時,我會買一些繪本作為紀念品送給朋友和他們的孩子。書裡會有宏偉的博物館、自由女神像、時代廣場和百老匯等等,紐約的絢爛色彩就從書裡活活蹦出來。
搬回台北後,我四處找有關台北的可愛繪本,想送給國外的朋友。但是並沒有找到英文繪本,中文版也沒有全然展現台北豐富的趣味和內涵。所以我就想:我既然是個作家,怎麼不自己寫一本呢?台北有好多獨特別緻的風景,有太多故事能和全世界分享。 兩年前我就寫了這個故事,但後來也就擱著沒動。2017 年 10 月,我生了女兒,整個故事突然有了主角。我希望女兒 Claudia 可以在書裡看見她自己,希望她能實際走訪那些地方,以自己為台北人為榮。 ▲ "Through this book readers get a lively and warm impression of Taipei.
After reading, maybe we can take our children on a walk and let more people in the world see this beautiful city of Taipei." Rainbow Teacher, Shimarisu Bookstore ▲ Story text: "The question of the night: so what's for dinner? I see dumplings on the menu. We have a winner!" Why an English-language picture book about Taipei?
Well, there are two reasons. First, a book like this in English is a way for young children everywhere to learn about Taipei and Taiwanese culture. And second, I feel it’s important for kids in Taiwan to see their own culture depicted in English. The rhyming lines make it fun to practice reading English out loud, and you can learn new vocabulary for everyday Taiwanese things like stinky tofu, night markets, Maokong gondola and lychees. At the back of the book, there are two pages of games where older kids can practice matching new words with pictures and find words hidden in a puzzle. There’s a lot to do!
為什麼要出版關於台北的英文繪本? 有兩個原因,首先,像這樣的英文書可以讓世界各地的小朋友認識台北和台灣文化。第二,我覺得台灣小朋友也應該從閱讀英文中看見自己的文化。 小朋友練習大聲朗讀英文時,書中押韻的語句能增添趣味,繪本也有助小朋友學習台灣常見事物的英文,例如臭豆腐、夜市、貓空纜車、荔枝等等。書的最後有兩頁遊戲,可以練習把新單字和圖片連在一起,找到字謎中隱藏的詞彙,內容非常豐富! ▲ Story text: "Taiwan is famous for its mountain teas. I'd love to try. Can I take a sip, please?" ▲「生動的插畫與押韻的文字會吸住每個大人與小孩的目光。我已經等不及要把這本書當禮物送人!」Jennifer Joy Chau, Kindermusik 音樂律動老師
▲ Word games in the back for older kids: match the names of famous buildings in Taipei, then find words hidden in the puzzle. 著名景物連連看,還能玩文字迷宮。 Why does Hey Taipei need crowdfunding?
This is my first time writing a children's book and my first experience with the publishing industry. I learned that in Taiwan it’s rare for picture books to be profitable. Sometimes it can be a challenge to break even. Luckily I’m working with Garlic Crush Studios, a Taipei-based studio and publisher. They believe children’s books should be fun and inspire readers to be creative. If possible, they should make kids laugh and smile. I completely agree! Since Hey Taipei is in English, I have no idea if there’s a market for the book to succeed. Do enough parents in Taiwan want to buy an English-language book about Taipei? We’ll find out! Garlic Crush Studios has taken on the work of the illustrations and book design. Now we’re hoping to pre-sell enough copies to cover the printing cost and make all the work worthwhile. Hopefully this campaign will be a success and we’ll get to see Hey Taipei selling in bookstores and maybe even Taoyuan Airport.
Hey Taipei 為什麼需要群眾募資?
這是我第一次寫書,也是第一次要嘗試出版書。我了解到在台灣出版繪本的利潤並不高,有時候要打平收支都不容易。很幸運這次能跟台北的「妙蒜工作室」合作,他們相信兒童繪本就應該富有趣味、鼓勵讀者發揮創意,更應該努力讓孩子在閱讀時樂在其中、開懷大笑。我非常認同! 妙蒜工作室已經扛起了插畫和繪本設計部分的工作。我們現在希望先達到一定預售量,來支付總印刷成本。因為 Hey Taipei 是英文書,我也不知道市場反應會如何。會有很多台灣家長想買關於台北的英文書嗎?到時候就知道了!希望這次集資活動能圓滿成功,未來看到 Hey Taipei 在各家書店甚至桃園機場展售。
▲「我們終於有一本書可以幫助孩子們從閱讀英文繪本,發展自己身為台灣人的認同。我等不及要跟我們小朋友分享了。」Ronald Cheng, 創意種子美語
▲ Reward bundles include 3 posters, 4 postcards and 1 tote bag. Posters will be A3 and ship folded. 繪本主題好物組包括三張精美海報、四張感心明信片及一個好運帆布袋。海報是A3大小並將折疊寄送。
If you think the book is cool, then get ready for more! I had special items created just for supporters of this campaign. We’ve used illustrations from Hey Taipei to design 3 posters, 4 postcards and a tote bag. It all comes together as a limited-edition reward bundle. Hang the posters on your wall. Send the postcards to your overseas friends. Carry the tote bag everywhere!
如果您覺得這本書很棒,還有更好的消息!為了感謝支持集資活動的大家,我們特別設計了周邊商品,用 Hey Taipei 書中的插畫設計了三款海報、四張明信片和帆布提袋。這些全部都包含在繪本主題好物組裡。你可以把海報貼在牆上、明信片寄給國外的朋友,提袋拿著到處趴趴走!
International Shipping
If you want to give Hey Taipei as a gift for family or friends overseas, choose the international shipping option and I’ll send a copy of Hey Taipei anywhere in the world. I’ll also write a card to put inside and make sure the Taiwan stamps on the package are really cool.
If you'd prefer an English checkout system instead, go to heytaipeibook.com to pre-order from the Shopify store instead.
如果您想買 Hey Taipei 作為禮物送給國外的家人或朋友,可以選擇「跨國運送」。我會幫您把第一版 Hey Taipei 送到國外目的地,也會寫一張小卡放在書內,包裹上也會貼好經典款的台灣郵票。
▲ Postcards included in the rewards bundle. 繪本主題好物組中的明信片。
Schedule & Timing
Our aim is to get everyone's books shipped out in April 2019. Here's how the timing works:
- This campaign will run until late January 2019
- February is Chinese New Year break which means not a lot will be happening during the first half of February
- We'll need a week or so to calculate the total number of books, posters, postcards and tote bags we'll need to make
- Our printer in New Taipei City will need approximately 1 month to print and pack the books
進程與時程 我們的目標是能在2019年四月將繪本等寄出!進程包括:
- 這個集資贊助案將於2019一月底結束
- 二月有農曆過年,所以許多後續動作會因應稍微後延
- 我們需要一兩週的時間更新繪本設計,並統整專案需要的繪本、海報、明信片、帆布袋等
- 從製版到裝訂,位於大台北的印刷廠需約一個月的時間
▲ More postcards from the rewards bundle. 繪本主題好物組中的明信片。 ▲ The reward bundle includes a tote bag printed with "bwa bwei" or divination blocks found on the temple spread of the book.
Thank you so much for your support!
If you have any questions, please check out the FAQ section below. And if your question isn't there, shoot me an email: hi@heytaipeibook.com You can also message me via Hey Taipei on FB and Instagram:
非常感謝你的支持! 如果你有任何疑問,請查看常見問題解答頁面。如果有其它問題,請隨時與我聯繫:hi@heytaipeibook.com
你也可以在FB和Instagram上關注Hey Taipei:
FAQ I need help with the Chinese-language checkout system on zeczec! Don't worry, I got you! Go to the all-English heytaipeibook.com to pre-order from the Shopify store instead.
Tell me more about the Hey Taipei book: What size is it? How many pages is it? Where is it printed? No problem! The book will be 20cm wide and 17.8cm high. There are 28 pages in total and the book will be printed in New Taipei City.
When will I receive the printed Hey Taipei book and reward bundles? Our goal is to pack and ship the books and reward bundles to everyone in April 2019. If you're not in Taiwan, international shipping can take up to two weeks. I'm not in Taiwan. Can I still use zeczec? Yes, you can! Just check the international shipping cost and make sure you enter your address correctly. Please note: if you order 2, 5 or 10 books we can only ship to one international address. 告訴我更多Hey Taipei繪本的資訊:尺寸?有幾頁?在哪裡印製的?Hey Taipei繪本的尺寸是20公分寬x17.8公分高,共28頁,在位於新北市新店的印刷廠印製。 大約什麼時候會收到贊助的繪本?我們的目標是2019年四月將繪本寄出!如果你在國外,加上國際運送可能會久一點。 我不在台灣,也能用Zeczec平台贊助嗎?可以的!你可以在贊助時確認所屬國家的國際運費。如果你贊助的是多本的方案(2本、5本、10本),只能選擇寄到同一個國際收件地址。
Finally, a special thank you to:
- Everyone at Garlic Crush Studios: Eric, Weiting, Yen, Amy and Yuting
- The kids of Garlic Crush Studios: Felicia, Carley, Ivee and Oreo the dog
- Ronald Cheng of Little Seeds Academy, 彩虹老師, "Jennifer Joy" Chau of Kindermusik
- Also thank you to Didi Bethurum, Brenda Lin, Andy Yang, Sabrina Liao, Ben Liao, Micky Du and my husband Everett for their feedback and support!
▲「我們很開心能與Kathy一起打造這本書,給全世界的大人小孩另一個感受台北的視角。」Eric Yin, 妙蒜工作室總監
對計畫還有其他疑問嗎?請見 常見問答。