Taiwanese public health and health care system is one of the best in the world. Not only is it ranked top of the healthcare lists rated by international media, Taiwan is also one of the first countries in Asia to have a national health care plan. Therefore, it is only logical to include Taiwan in the global fight against communicable diseases.
///Photo credit : NGC (National Geographic Channel)
礙於政治現實,多年來未能加入 WHO世界衛生組織。未能參加WHO,台灣難以獲得關於全球防疫的重要技術性資訊與應對建議 ,也無法正式與各國交流資訊,影響甚鉅。
Hospital Without Borders is founded by a group of several NGO, medical and diplomatic professionals as an international non-profit organization. It aims to advocate for public health and medical diplomacy.
///Photo credit : NGC (National Geographic Channel)
Hospital Without Borders is founded by a group of several NGO, medical and diplomatic professionals as an international non-profit organization. It aims to advocate for public health and medical diplomacy.
在國內發起募資、網路遊行、專題講座、 凱道辦桌等宣傳活動,以匯聚公民力量,喚起國人意識與認同;
A crowd-funding campaign was organized to rally people around and ignite their sense of awareness and identity.
對國外除了線上集結僑界的能量 ,發起日內瓦 WHA 期間同步策展,以醫療設計展呈現台灣醫療成果與對各國的貢獻,向參加 WHA的各國官員與國際媒體,爭取更多關注與支持。
In addition to its efforts taken place in Taiwan, it also aims to rally overseas Taiwanese on the internet. Hospital Without Borders will hold a health care exhibition days before WHA commences to showcase Taiwan’s health care and disaster relief missions in its allied nations.
We call for your support.
「疾病無國界」,台灣是國際商旅觀光的重要樞紐, 全球十大忙碌航線當中台灣就佔了三條,因此台灣在防疫網路中絕不能缺席。在攸關全球防疫的 任務中,WHO必須排除政治因素,讓台灣加入,才是全人類健康與文明的進步。
We all know that “diseases know no borders.” Therefore, Taiwan, with its extensive transport and trade links to the rest of the world, shall not be excluded from WHO’s effort to combat communicable diseases. WHO shall put all political issues aside and let Taiwan rejoin WHO, as it is stated in its constitution that “the right to health must be enjoyed without discrimination on the basis of gender, age, religion, ‘nationality’ or race.”
5/18-21,正值 WHA 人潮最多的週末期間,我們預計在會場周邊租借場地,盛大舉行台灣「無國界醫院」醫療展,將台灣超越歐美的醫療品質與制度,一流的醫療服務產業,通通帶到日內瓦。向世人宣告:台灣,就是無國界醫院,向世界任何角落敞開。
我們舉辦台灣無國界醫院展(Hospital Without Borders),秉持著推動醫療平權的理念,傳 達台灣在全球衛生的努力並以經驗分享促成新的外交策略,發起團隊從 WHA 議程挑了六大 議程,向觀展媒體證實我們的暖實力,要求WHO恢復台灣參與大會的資格。
- 公衛成就/環境健康
- 蛇毒研究
- 精神衛生
- 婦幼衛生
- 傳染疾病防制/流感與疫苗覆蓋率
- 心血管疾病/風濕心臟病
我們將藉此說明,未能參加WHO即進入WHA大會將阻礙台灣獲得關於全球防疫的重要技術 性資訊與應對建議,台灣也不能與各國分享資訊,影響非常大。
世界衛生大會總幹事Tedros Adhanom曾強調不遺漏任何人,強調促進全民健康覆蓋政策,但 單就台灣2300萬人民沒有受邀的事實,會使WHO的核心價值受到動搖且令人質疑。
從Tedros Adhanom本身多次提到的「疾病無國界」(Diseases know no borders.),而相 對應的,台灣便是國際商旅觀光交流樞紐,全球10大忙碌航線台灣就佔了三道,因此在防疫 網路中不應缺席,台灣本應是參與世界全球健康的一份子。