台灣提供烏克蘭的人道和醫療援助:兒童、難民、老人。 Humanitarian and medical help for Ukraine from Taiwan: children, refugees, elderly.
We will send you a TSWU sticker set.
足以購買 2 條止血帶或其他能拯救性命的醫療用品。
我們會寄一張印有烏克蘭藝術家作品的明信片給您。 如果您不希望收到明信片,請在備註欄中註明。
Enough to buy 2 tourniquets or other life-saving supplies. We will send you a postcard with artwork by a Ukrainian artist. If you do not want to receive one, please specify in the remarks column.
我們會用烏克蘭傳統刺繡風格設計您想要的名字,就像您在我們的傳統襯衫 vyshyvanka (維什萬卡) 上看到的那樣。 這會是只屬於您的獨一無二的紀念品! 您會收到一張印有此圖案的明信片。
Fun Fact: 上面的圖案中有「台灣」和「烏克蘭」的字樣!
We will design your or your loved one’s name in the style of Ukrainian embroidery like the one you can see on our traditional shirt — vyshyvanka. This is a one-of-a-kind souvenir unique only to you! You will receive a postcard with the design.
Fun fact: the pattern above includes words “Taiwan” and “Ukraine” in it!
Please specify the name in Mandarin or English in the remarks column.
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