已於 2019/01/31 募資成功

Save A Dog, Buy A Calendar:Pack 2019 calendar crowd fundraising project 全台灣最神氣的米克斯:巴克2019米克斯肖像桌曆明信片募資計劃

374% 374%
目標 NT$ 100,000


NT$ 374,300

  • 贊助人數:300





2018/12/06 21:00 – 2019/01/31 23:59

lock 只有部分贊助人看得到這則更新。
計畫更新發佈於 2018/12/26

巴克2019米克斯肖像攝影桌曆明信片募資計劃 #

Pack Sanctuary 2019 desktop calendar crowd fundraising project #



請繼續大力分享支持給更多同鄉、同事、同伴、同學...請大家告訴大家! 一起提升臺灣動物福利,幫助巴克上百隻動物當前的醫療復健、安享照護、毛孩社會化訓練、硬體提升,還有中途送養、教育計畫、輔助治療計劃、結紮計畫的推行。

Thank you all so much for donating to receive your calendar. We have reached our initial goal which only covers the print cost. Our animal care expenses exceed 1 million NT per month. Please support us by contributing to and sharing this campaign. English available now on the crowd fundraising page.**



The 2019 PACK calendar/postcard package includes 12 dog portraits captured by professional photographer, Something Studio, showing the inspiring and empowering qualities in shelter dogs. This project is designed to shatter the common stereotypes that rescued animals are damaged, powerless, or pathetic.

Despite having been abandoned, unwanted, abused, trapped, injured or ill; PACK dogs speak for the strays, the rescued, and the sheltered companions through portrait images, unveiling the precious confidence in them. They are living in the present, an inspiration to HEAL and EMPOWER.  

Support PACK, not out of sympathy, but with a clear vision for sustaining the organization in promoting animal welfare and animal empowerment. Your calendar donations make a difference in the precious lives of animals everywhere.

臺灣巴克動物懷善救援協會 The Pack Sanctuary#

巴克動物懷善救援協會是誰?Who we are?#

  • 臺灣巴克動物懷善救援協會為臺灣內政部立案之非營利組織(內政部字號1050067818),於2016年正式立案。我們致力於流浪動物復健、照護、社會化、中途安置與送養。 並舉辦教育活動,提升社會對動物行為知識與動物福祉新興議題的覺知,實際推動改變。
  • The Pack stands for People for Animal & Kindness.  We are a non-profit animal welfare association rehabilitates and re-homes homeless animals while educating the public on the greater emerging issues and further promoting changes.  Pack Sanctuary locates in New Taipei City, Sanzhi district.  We take care of 400+ rescued animals.  
  • 巴克的使命是喚醒大眾對所有生命的惻隱、同理與尊重,致使社會做出利益動物、尊重生態的決定,並在生活中採取友善環境的行動。我們目標為提升亞洲動物福祉,促進臺灣動物權益與庇護所照護管理水平接軌國際。
  • Our mission is to empower every individual to take informed actions to care for animals and their environments.  We strive to bring animal welfare and sanctuary standard in Taiwan to international level.

我們在做的事:What we do#

1.照護四百多隻救援動物 We take care of 400+ animals everyday
  • 巴克於北海岸的三芝區經營兩個收容場地—狗王國與樂貓宅。佔地四千多坪的園區,一年365天全年無休,持續照顧四百多隻動物,其中包括癱瘓貓狗、高齡貓犬、受傷截肢貓犬、長期慢性病貓犬、羊、與豬。
  • With 2 shelter locations (Dog Kingdom and Cat Villa) in beautiful Sanzhi on the northern coast of Taiwan, PACK cares for more than 400+ animals.  Include, elderly, paralysis, amputation, chronic illness.
2.持續改善庇護所內動物生活品質  We keep on upgrading sanctuary quality
  • 由於流浪、與被棄養的貓犬數量持續增加,庇護所目前安置的動物數量已達到空間與人力的臨界點,園區仍需持續地增加與改善安置動物的空間與建立有效率的醫療照護管理系統,讓動物們持續享有基本人道的生活品質。
  • The number of homeless animals increases every year.  The number of the animals we take care for is more than our space and staff can handle.  We are still upgrading the quality of the shelter space and build up more efficient management policy to let the animals have basic life quality.
We educate human, socialise healthy dogs and cat, re-home them.

  • 園區內健康親人的獲救貓犬,我們透過中途與社會化訓練,媒合適當的領養家庭,協助他們進入家庭生活。同時透過舉辦工作坊與送養會,致力推廣狗狗行為知識,教育民眾仔細觀察狗狗的安定訊號,做有效的溝通與正向引導,為人狗雙方帶來自在輕鬆有品質的生活。
  • To truly get to the root of the problems we must address human behavior. PACK’s education department works with schools, universities, clubs and local communities to educate and raise public awareness on emerging animal issues regarding dog abandonment, pet overpopulation in public and private shelters, cruelty in the illegal breeding industry, wildlife, and animal welfare.  We also spend lots of time on socialise healthy stable rescued dogs and cats, hold adoption event, find the right match for them, and encourage adopters to learn more about animal behaviour knowledge for better quality time with the animals.

    4.與其他動物權益協會串聯協力改善臺灣傷殘棄養受虐動物處境 We co-ordinate  with other animal welfare NPO to share our recourses and ask for better animal welfare in Taiwan.

  • 巴克協力的夥伴有台灣防止動物虐待協會TSPCA與台灣同伴動物扶助協會,我們協力為所內捕獸夾截肢狗舉辦認養倡議活動,呼籲社會關注台灣捕獸夾濫用問題。交流癱瘓狗照護經驗,協助庇護所內被棄養的癱瘓狗針灸、復健、學習使用輪椅,讓癱瘓狗也有機會享有行動自由。(相關報導請見計劃內容最下方)


為什麼我們需要做集資?Why do we need to do crowd fundraising?

  • 四百多個生命,一年365天皆需要營養均衡的膳食、乾淨衛生的飲水、軟硬體建設承租、、盛夏抗颱、冬日禦寒、基礎保健照護、四季除蚤、壁蝨與體內寄生蟲、血液傳染病防治、休憩用睡墊、屋舍、社會化訓練,傷病與中高齡動物的醫療復健照護等,每月開銷所費不貲。巴克每月運營成本平均135萬新台幣。我們為一非營利組織,時常面對收支無法平衡的挑戰
  • At PACK we deal with financial challenges every day. As a charity, we rely on your regular donations to support the animals and give them a better life. Good nutrition and fresh water, shelter , protect the animals from heat, cooling and storms, flea, tick, blood decease control, beds and enrichment, medical care for the sick, injured and elderly - the costs are staggering!! We spend at least 45,000 USD a month.



  • 打破流浪動物悲情形象:此募資計劃為2019年度巴克推出的第一項以狗狗肖像為題材的設計產品,每組共包含12張巴克狗狗肖像桌曆/明信片、緞木板底座與精美紙盒包裝。我們想透過完整的攝影設計概念讓流浪動物除了無助悲情,還有更多不同的形象:自信自尊、活在當下、充滿生命力與對人類的啟發與療癒。讓支持者是因為喜歡認同而參與支持,不是因為同情而救濟。我們會以募得的部分經費用於持續開發系列設計產品,扭轉流浪動物形象之餘也讓巴克募款與動物權益提升工作能夠穩定長久地進行。

  • 專業攝影工作室協力攝影、設計:這份記錄狗狗們生動活潑的桌曆,拍攝及設計出自三牲工作室Something Studio。 主力於寵物攝影、中途攝影、動物友善關懷的Something Studio雖是在巴克庇護所拍攝,卻依舊能拍出唯美又自然放鬆的一面。 更在專業攝影上大膽利用影像留白的方式,讓大多專注於「紀實」的動物影像展現另一種獨特美感。
  • Something Studio specialises in capturing genuine images of animals, highlighting their unique characteristics.  Founder & photographer of Something Studio is an animal welfare advocate.  He has spent time visiting animal shelters to do voluntary photography for rescued animals, promoting foster and adoption. 

  • 無時效限制,是桌曆也是明信片:照片與日期之間設計有切割線,日期的部分撕下後,照片可以當作攝影作品、酷卡收藏、擺飾、農曆年驚喜小禮或做為明信片寄出。

  • 浪犬博士小知識分享:每張明信片背後附有浪犬博士慷慨提供的狗狗行為小常識,幫助大家每個月多了解狗狗一些。

  • 輕巧木質底座方便擺放每組桌曆皆附有輕巧木質底座,米克斯的療癒笑容擺在桌上,立即成為開啓2019最暖心的風景。






NT$ 350
已被贊助 20



內政部立案編號: 1050067818
Fundraising License 衛部救字第: 1071360511號

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、中國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年二月實現
NT$ 500
已被贊助 16

I don't need any gift.
**All the prices are in New Taiwan Dollars**

✔捐款收據一式 Donation receipt
If you need the receipt to reduce the tax, let us know the right title at the memo chart.

內政部立案編號: 1050067818
Fundraising License 衛部救字第: 1071360511號

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年二月實現
NT$ 700
已被贊助 28

✔巴克2019米克斯肖像桌曆明信片×1 組13張
✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫7-11門市店號與店名(例:7-11淺水灣門市/ 店號:164054 ),恕不接受貨到付款 。店名店號查詢:https://emap.pcsc.com.tw/

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 700

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 1 set
✔Wood stand× 1 set
✔Donation receipt× 1 set
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name and shop no. of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 1,350
已被贊助 9

✔巴克2019米克斯肖像桌曆明信片×2 組 每組13張
✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫7-11門市店號與店名(例:7-11淺水灣門市/ 店號:164054 ),恕不接受貨到付款 。店名店號查詢:https://emap.pcsc.com.tw/

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 1,350

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 2 sets
✔Wood stand× 2 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1 set
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 2,000
已被贊助 5

✔巴克2019米克斯肖像桌曆明信片×3組 每組13張
✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫7-11門市店號與店名(例:7-11淺水灣門市/ 店號:164054 ),恕不接受貨到付款 。店名店號查詢:https://emap.pcsc.com.tw/

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 2,000

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 3 sets
✔Wood stand× 3 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1 set
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name and shop no. of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 3,400
已被贊助 1

✔巴克2019米克斯肖像桌曆明信片× 5 組 每組13張
✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫7-11門市店號與店名(例:7-11淺水灣門市/ 店號:164054 ),恕不接受貨到付款 。店名店號查詢:https://emap.pcsc.com.tw/

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 3,400

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 5 sets
✔Wood stand× 5 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1 set
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name and shop no. of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年一月實現
NT$ 30,000

Pack Sanctuary private tour guide
Pack 2019 calendar×8 sets
✔輕巧緞木板底座×8 Wood stands×8 sets
✔精裝紙盒×8 Paper package ×8 sets
✔捐款收據一式 Receipt ×1
✔國內運費 Free deliver in Taiwan
✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年二月實現
NT$ 100,000

✪我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2019 年二月實現
NT$ 700
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 131

✪跨年前不漏接,我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 1,350
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 30

✪跨年前不漏接,我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 700
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 1

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 1 set
✔Wood stand× 1 set
✔Donation receipt× 1 set
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan

✪Donation before 20 Dec, the calendar could deliver to your place before the end of 2018。(Please make sure the address is in Taiwan and don't miss the deliver time.)
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 1,350
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 3

✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 2 sets
✔Wood stand× 2 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan

✪Donation before 20 Dec, the calendar could deliver to your place before the end of 2018。(Please make sure the address is in Taiwan and don't miss the deliver time.)
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 2,000
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 35

✪跨年前不漏接,我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 2,000
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 1

**All the prices at this platform are in New Taiwan Dollars**
✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 3 sets
✔Wood stand× 3 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪Donation before 20 Dec, the calendar could deliver to your place before the end of 2018。(Please make sure the address is in Taiwan and don't miss the deliver time.)
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 3,400
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 19

✪跨年前不漏接,我們提供7-11取貨服務,如果需要,請在備註欄填寫門市名稱(例:7-11淺水灣門市),恕不接受貨到付款 。

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現
NT$ 3,400
SOLD OUT 已被贊助 1

✔Pack 2019 desktop calendar/postcard × 5 sets
✔Wood stand× 5 sets
✔Donation receipt× 1
✔Deliver for free in Taiwan
✪Donation before 20 Dec, the calendar could deliver to your place before the end of 2018。(Please make sure the address is in Taiwan and don't miss the deliver time.)
✪We can also deliver to the 7-11 close by you。Let us know the name of the 7-11 in the memo chart.
✪Make sure the receipt title is right if you need this to reduce the tax.
✪International shipping excluded

  • 臺灣本島、離島免運
  • 可寄送至 香港、澳門、美國 等地區
calendar_today 預計於 2018 年十二月實現

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