AM studio 的第一隻角色公仔「沙奇」,以圓滾滾的身型......拿著一支人腿!?配件中附有小魚道具,玩家可以隨個人喜好自由替換。 AM studio’s first figure 「Sharkie 」is finally coming out! with a chubby body...holding a human leg! ? There is a small fish in the accessories, players can exchange them as they like. 我們在卡通看到動物們都是朋友,相親相愛地相處,有時會疑惑他們的食物是甚麼呢?卡通裡往往就是這樣美好的幻想,現實卻是弱肉強食。所以,AM studio以鯊魚為藍本設計了原創角色Sharkie(沙奇),以諷刺卡通的美好幻想為創作概念,手上拿著一支人腿是他的特色。 Animals are all friends in cartoons, always get along in harmony. Sometimes, wondering what their food is?Cartoons is such beautiful fantasies, makes people take it for granted, but the truth is the law of the jungle . Therefore, AM studio designed the original character Sharkie based on the sharks, to sarcastic that fantasy. Holding a human leg is his characteristic. 主體尺寸 / size:105 L x 80 W x 90 H (mm) 材質:樹脂 / poly
🦈 磁鐵連接: 「沙奇」的頭和身由強力磁鐵緊合地連接,並且能順暢地轉動,加上配件可呈現更多有趣的角度。 🦈 可替換配件:左手和道具(人腿、魚)也裝有小的強力磁鐵,把玩時可輕鬆替換,而且可避免因替換的損耗而變得鬆散。 🦈 人手上色:每個公仔都經由人手上色,呈現細緻的品質。一般把玩和替換配件也不會有掉漆問題。 🦈 一次生產:這個版本就只作一次生產,不要錯過喔! 🦈 Magnet connection:Sharkie's head and body are tightly connected by powerful magnets and can rotate smoothly. With accessories, it can present more interesting poses. 🦈 Replaceable accessories:The left hand and the two props (human leg, fish) are also equipped with small powerful magnets, which can be easily replaced, and it can avoid damage due to the replacement. 🦈 Hand-painted:Each figure is hand-painted, showing high quality. 🦈 Once production: This version will only be produced once, don't miss it. *特別活動:湖中女神 有一天,沙奇的肉腿不小心掉進湖裡.......現在只要贊助「金腿優惠方案」就能得到「金腿」!另外,贊助後只要跟朋友分享,就可抽「銀腿」了!數量有限,要抓緊機會喔! 這個電鍍質感實在太豪華了!而且,選用合金製作,十足充實。
灰模實測片段 (Demo review) >>>
「Sharkie 沙奇」的灰模其實在2020中就完成了,想不到這個計劃會橫跨到2021年,遠遠超過了我們的預計。「沙奇」的腿是不是太短,所以走這麼慢。
差點回到大海的「沙奇」 魚被沖走了還在笑的「沙奇」 曬太陽的「沙奇」
「沙奇」的製作過程 (Process)
In the main direction, we want "Sharkie" with an approachable feeling. So, it is in a chubby body and streamlined. Much time spent on tuning the shape from the head to the butt.
AM studio 的故事
AM studio的成立,源自於我們在一段頗長的時間裡,白天做事,晚上製作模型和玩具。我們慢慢地累積了一些技巧和想法。對我們來說,這是一段很特別又重要的時間。所以,後來想要更有計劃地發展玩具的東西,就以凌晨的時間a.m.來命名,成立AM studio。「沙奇」就是從那個時候開始,從一片油土慢慢地成型,成為我們第一個作品。
In a long period, we work in day time and make toys at night. Then, we develop some ideas and start to focus on toys. That period is so special and meaningful for us, so we named AM studio by "a.m.". "Sharkie" is made at that time, and became the first figure of AM studio .
AM studio的創作以幽默為本,相信這是我們面對現實最好的回應。我們喜歡設計師玩具,正是著迷於其中戲謔和幽默的本質。我們的第二個作品,鱷魚「可可」,已經在製作中,有大家的支持我們才有機會繼續推出作品。如果喜歡我們的創作,請關注AM studio.toys的FB和IG,繼續支持我們,感謝大家! AM studio's creation is based on humor, and we believe that is the best response to the life. The second figure"Croco" is in processing. If you like our works, please follow the FB and IG of AM, to know more about us, thanks !
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